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GSA L-Backup


GSA L-Backup

Langmeier Backup


A reliable and fast backup software to protect all your data

Imagine the nightmare of losing all of your data. How would you feel losing your financial statements, your College dissertation or the photos of your life, family, friends and first love? How do you react if you lost even one of these pictures or documents? You would be angry and frustrated and for good reason because there is no need to lose them!

This backup software will guarantee that you never lose any of your important data. With its user friendly interface, the software is easy to use, yet its complexity in data handling gives it very sophisticated functionality. For added reliability, the software has a wizard which verifies each part of the backup.

Langmeier Backup has two user modes. The easy wizard mode makes it simple for even inexperienced computer users to create a backup, while the expert mode gives experienced users the versatility to choose from many advanced options.

GSA Langmeier Backup

  • Back-up to:

– all comonly-used hard-drives, internal or external

– USB-Stick and other Memory chips

– Zip- and MO-drives

– CD, DVD, Blueray-Disc, all sorts

– Network-shares

– FTP-Server

  • Back-up under Windows Vista, 2003, XP, 2000, ME, NT 4, 98, 95, as well as Windows 64-Bit. Also Windows 7 (all Editions)
  • Backup creates an archive of files and directories, including emails and internet favourites.

Backup supports all versions of Microsoft Outlook for saving emails. The latest releases of Outlook Express (versions 4 and 5) and Mozilla Thunderbird are supported.

  • Backup files can be compressed as a zip file.

Backup files can be saved in a compressed .zip format to minimize required storage space.

  • Backup files can be 256-bit encrypted.

Encode Backup data with a modern 256-bit algorithm and add a password to prevent non-authorised access.

  • Possible to store files in original format.

Backup can also archive in original data format to allow easy access at any time using Windows-Explorer, or even via another computer without Backup software installed.

  • Clean-up of Backup files.

Clean-up is a Backup feature that creates more space on the archive medium. Files that have been deleted from the working area are synchronously removed from within the Backup created archive.

  • Manual check of Backup accuracy.

The Bit-for-Bit-Backup-Check feature checks if all files have been correctly stored and if they can be correctly extracted from the Backup archive.

  • Optimized Execution Time.

Backup has been optimized for fast execution.

  • Uninterrupted Backup execution.

Langmeier Backup uses highly developed software technology so that there are virtually no files that cannot be archived. If a problem should occur, a problem report will be displayed, and Backup continues archiving without further delays.

  • Complete compatibility with Windows-NT, XP and Vista.

Backup stores all extended file information and attributes so that archive files are 100% NTFS compatible. Protection settings are correctly maintained by Backup and are correctly asserted when the files are restored. Hierarchical paths of over 32,000 characters are supported.

  • Confirmation that all files were included in a Backup session.

Langmeier Backup produces a list of all files that were archived during a

backup session so feel confident about correct software execution! Set the confirmation to automatically print after completion or have a copy sent to an email address.

  • Background execution of Backup.

Continue working undisturbed while Backup executes in the background. The save algorithms are optimized so that the user can continue to work without any disruption.

  • Exclude specified files and file types from a backup.

It is possible to exclude specific files and file types from a Backup archive.

  • Create desktop shortcuts.

Create simple access to Backup with a desktop shortcut. Double clicking on the desktop symbol is sufficient to start executing a Backup profile with previously saved settings.

  • Log reports.

Choose to have the Backup task logged, or display messages on the monitor.

  • Backup via an FTP server.

Archived files can be stored on an FTP server.

  • Drag and Drop.

Files can be added to Backup via Drag and Drop.

  • Modern, graphical user interface in the style of Windows XP.

The user interface follows the latest rules for modern ergonomic design in software development.

  • Use of variables in paths such as [].

It is possible to use variables in archive destination paths to allow the inclusion of date or an incrementing directory name. For example, directory paths can be named D:Backup Num[1-7] or D:Backup on [].

  • Restoring files back to their original location on the computer.

Files can be restored back to their original location on the computer or to another location of the user’s choice.

  • Easy Wizard Mode and Expert Modes.

Backup starts in an Easy Wizard Mode so that inexperienced PC users, in conjunction with the Backup assistant can perform a step by step approach to securing their data. Advanced users can choose the Expert Mode to have full access to all options and settings.

  • Automatic scheduling of Backup.

It is possible to plan multiple Backup sessions to execute automatically at user-specified times. Choose from the following:

  1. After computer start up.
  2. Before shutting computer down.
  3. After connecting an external storage medium.
  4. Recurring: in minute or hourly intervals.
  5. In computer idle time, for example when the user is not present and the computer is not performing any tasks.
  6. On predefined days of the week or month.
  7. Daily, at fixed times.
  • Choose a versioned Backup History.

Normally, only the latest file version is available within the Backup archive. Alternatively, it is possible to store multiple versions of backup files with a history so that any of the earlier versions can be restored by specifying the date and time of the file backup.

  • Four alternative algorithms for the archive of corrupted files.

When modifying files with Excel or other software applications, it is possible that files were not correctly terminated when saved. Typical archive software tools cannot correctly archive these corrupted files due to their incorrect handling of non-valid checksums. Langmeier Backup software uses four different algorithms so that the archive of corrupted files will almost certainly be successful.

  • Save files using Backup with or without the original directory structure.

Store files with Backup with or without the original directory structure.

  • Deselecting entries that are temporarily not required.

Using Backup, it is possible to deselect files that are not required to be saved. This also applies to automatic Backup jobs so that only those files that have been selected are archived.

  • Shut down the PC when Backup has completed.

Start Backup before heading home from work and set the computer to shut down automatically after having successfully completed Backup.

  • Backup executing in background on open Office files.

Langmeier Backup will ensure that all open files from the Office suit (Word, Excel, Powerpoint and many others) are correctly archived even while executing in background.

  • Saving Backup data to CD-RW / DVD.

Langmeier Backup can create an archive on UDF-format CD-RW’s or DVD’s. When using Windows Vista, Langmeier Backup can archive data in Windows Live CD format.

  • Open or Locked files can be archived.

With the help of Windows Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) from

Windows XP, it is possible to use Backup for files that are locked out by other application software. For example, Backup can archive all Outlook-emails, even if Outlook is active in the foreground. Even databases can be archived without having to stop them first.


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